Breathing Exercise for Weight Loss

Ultimate Breathing Exercise for Weight Loss

Since time immemorial breathing techniques have been mentioned as the foundation of health and fitness in our philosophical and spiritual texts. But in the modern era breathing exercises have been ignored and sidelined as far as health and fitness are related. But it is important to understand that by incorporating these simple breathing exercises you can boost your metabolism, reduce stress and achieve fat loss commitments.

Science Behind Ultimate Breathing Exercise for Weight Loss.

Since time immemorial breathing techniques have been mentioned as the foundation of health and fitness in our philosophical and spiritual texts. But in the modern era breathing exercises have been ignored and sidelined as far as health and fitness are related. But it is important to understand that by incorporating these simple breathing exercises you can boost your metabolism, reduce stress and achieve fat loss commitments.

Science Behind Breathing Exercises & Weight Loss.

Though the ancient texts are full of wisdom that promotes breathing exercises for health and wellness, there are several recent research too that support the effectiveness of breathing exercises for weight loss.

One thing that is undebatable is the fact that breathing exercises increase the intake of oxygen in the body. Also deep breathing enhances metabolism and can also help to counter stress and sedentary lifestyle habits.

Some Breathing Exercises for Weight Loss.

Few of the essential breathing exercises that can help in weight loss process are the following –

• Abdominal Breathing.

It is also known as Diaphragmatic breathing where the diaphragm is fully engaged promoting greater oxygen intake and improving the capacity of the lungs and overall metabolism of the body promoting weight loss. This is performed in sitting or lying position with deep inhale and exhale techniques.

• Kapalbhati Pranayam.

This powerful breathing exercise has been one of the pillars of yoga. This breathing exercise activates abdominal organs, improves digestion and boosts metabolism. This exercise is done while sitting straight and forcefully exhaling and inhaling and at the same time contracting abdominal muscles.

• Bhastrika Pranayam.

This technique of deep breathing involves forceful deep inhalation and exhalation while keeping the spine erect and straight. This boosts your body’s metabolism and oxygen intake promoting wellness and weight loss.

• Anulom Vilom Pranayam.

Anulom Vilom exercises involve deep and forceful breathing with alternative nostrils. This helps to rightly channelise the body’s energy and reduce stress levels promoting weight loss goals. 

Best time to Practice these Breathing Exercises.

It is important to be consistent and select the right time of performing these exercises to harness maximum benefits.

• Early Morning.

Early morning is the best time for performing these exercises. There is freshness and positivity in the air and the atmosphere is very conducive for breathing exercises. 15-20 minutes of these exercises can set the tone of your day.

• Post Workout.

This phase is also called the cooling period . These exercises are best at this period as they not only help you to recover your energy and breath due to increased intake of oxygen, but also relaxes you and your body completely supplementing the weight loss process.

• Before Bed.

As you plan to sign off for the day, 10-15 minutes of these exercises can be a true blessing for your psychological and physiological well-being. This will also promote a healthy and sound sleep along with recovery and healing.


Concludingly it is important to understand that the results of these breathing exercises  are subject to the level of obesity and consistency of performance. But one thing that is certain is it is likely to promote general health and fitness. 

Though the ancient texts are full of wisdom that promotes breathing exercises for health and wellness, there are several recent research too that support the effectiveness of breathing exercises for weight loss.

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